'Fairy Birds' Book Launch Party!

 Last Saturday the PS Girls enjoyed an afternoon at the 'Fairy Birds' Party, launching their new children's book! It was a great afternoon, filled with all things lovely and kind! They transformed The Startup Building into a scene from their book--Alix from A Ruffled Life did amazing work on the decor, it was enchanting to say the least! Their book encourages our little ones to "just give a little" and that serving others and being kind can be fun, and it makes us all happy! From the "Giving Craft" where we made paper flowers for children at a local hospital, to sweet messages from the authors at the book signing, to the wonderful book reading sprinkled with "secret message balloons", and the fun photo booth, we and our girls had a fabulous time...thank you Fairy Birds!!

Heather and Heidi are sisters and authors of the book, and they are doing amazing things. Their books will be treasured by so many! If you want to order your own 'Fairy Birds' book, go HERE!


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for coming, for your kindness and for your support! Love you girls! xo's

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